Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
Commercial EPC Level 3
Commercial EPC Level 3 for Northern Ireland
Commercial EPC Level 3 for Scotland
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) for Northern Ireland
An Energy Performance Certificate is needed before any residential property is sold, leased or rented. An EPC is a record of the actual and potential energy saving aspects of a particular property. The property is assessed using the UK's RdSAP Assessment Procedure. It's performance is rated in terms of energy use per sq metre of floor area. Energy efficiency is based on fuel costs and environmental impact based on carbon dioxide (CO 2) emissions. The resulting Energy Performance Certificate issued to you will provide you with clear information on the energy performance of the property and cost effective means for improvement. The results are recommendations for your consideration or for the future owner or tenant to consider.
A site visit will be arranged to suit the client then our Energy Assessor will travel to your property. The inspection should take approx 1 hour and will cause the minimum of inconvenience. The only significant factor to be aware of is that our Assessor will need access to the loft space and your boiler. An internal and external inspection of the property is carried out for the purpose of the EPC. • Note the construction of your walls.• Measure the roof insulation.• Confirm how many windows are double glazed.• Count the number of open fireplaces.• Check the make and model of boiler under EU SEDBUK regulations.• Look for green devices such as solar panels.• Calculate the number of low energy light bulbs.• Confirm the type of heating system used e.g. radiators, under floor heating, electric etc. • Categorise the type of material used to insulate hot water cylinder.• Measure heat loss through the roof • Check for excessive window area in larger houses.• Take precise measurements of conservatories and extensions.• Confirm how many habitable rooms are heated
The Commercial EPC is a requirement of European Law. It comes from the (EU) European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) Directive Implementation Advisory Group (DIAG). The organisation was established in 2002 to advise the UK Government on the energy performance of buildings and the implementation of the European Energy Building Performance Directive. The requirement for all commercial buildings to have an Energy Performance Certificate came into force on January 1st 2009. You cannot sell or lease your business property without first obtaining an EPC
An Assessor will visit the property and undertake a thorough survey using measurements and photographs. Lighting, heating and insulation will be recorded and this will be combined with factors such as age of building, type of construction and size of perimeter. Calculations will be made and your property will be given a rating A to G (A being exemplary and G being extremely poor). The Certificate will be sent electronically and a copy of the rating will be lodged on the Government non-domestic website Landmark.
We aim to provide a Certificate within 24 hours of the inspection. All EPC’s will be forwarded in a PDF format however a printed copy can be requested. The EPC Certificate will make a series of recommendations on how to improve the rating of the property. However, these are suggestions only, there is no obligation to undertake the improvements
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